The Evangelical Free Church of Yucca Valley began in the home of Ralph and Millie Brownell on October 11, 1959.
Seventeen people attended that first service.
By April 22, 1960, Evangelical Free Church received its charter from the Western District Conference at the Fullerton Free Church. Pastor Oscar Johnson accepted the call as its first pastor and served until 1970.
The Brownells would ultimately donate their home, on the hillside above the church, to the church to be used as a parsonage.
During those years, EFCYV experienced many changes. Brownell Hall served as its first sanctuary and was completed in 1961.
February of 1962 saw the completion and dedication of the Sunday School building.
Easter of 1963 was celebrated on the newly-poured foundation of the Amphitheater, which would be added onto in 1964.
That second Easter service held in the Amphitheater brought 1200 worshippers together to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
The greatest accomplishment in 1965 would be the groundbreaking and development of the present sanctuary.
In the late 70's the congregation would vote to expand the sanctuary and attach it to Brownell Hall.
Since that renovation, EFCYV has built a gymnasium that is used by the congregation, youth groups, the local schools and parks department.